Church Staff

Music Minister: Caleb Carr
I accepted Jesus Christ as my Lord and Savior when I was ten years old. It has long since been my desire to serve God through the gift of music that He has given me. I love the music of the church and have been blessed over the years to be around some godly musicians whom have encouraged me not only in music, but in my walk with the Lord.
My musical journey began when I started playing guitar in church when I was thirteen. When I turned twenty, I started giving music lessons full time and continued for the next sixteen years. I enjoyed sharing the gift of music with hundreds of children and adults and watched many of them go on to become worship leaders themselves. God has also blessed me with my wonderful wife Jennifer and our two children, Katie and Eli. I thank God for saving me and for allowing me to serve Him with the gifts he has given me.
Brother Caleb Carr
Wife: Jennifer
Daughter: Katie
Son: Eli
Service Times
Sunday School 9:00am & Worship at 10:15am
Wednesday Nights 6:15pm
Church Address
5961 Hilham Hwy., Cookeville, Tennessee 38506.
Pastor: Dr. Jeremy Byrd
Thanks to the ministry of my grandfather, Bro. Dewey Masters, and my family’s faithfulness to worship, I responded to the gospel during a fall revival when I was six years old. I was then offered the chance to serve as a youth pastor during high school and felt called to vocational ministry before starting college. I am grateful for the opportunities God has extended to me to serve Him by serving His church.
Preaching became my passion as I had the opportunity to listen regularly to statesmen like Dr. Adrian Rogers and Dr. Bob Pittman and to learn exposition at the feet of Dr. David Olford and Dr. T. S. Rendall. I am forever grateful for their example and admonitions as I continue to study and attempt to grow as a minister.
I am blessed to be married to my best friend and high school sweetheart, Stefanie, and to have three amazing kids, (Anna, Liam, and Isla). I’m also excited to serve as the Executive Director of Upper Cumberland Habitat for Humanity.
If you ever want to talk, I’m a sucker for the topics of Charles Spurgeon. I’m a total nerd for not only the content of Scripture, but the actual form the Bible has, such as paper weight, fonts, binding, and leather selection (I even have a favorite printing house), fountain pens, and fine stationery. And I enjoy archery and the great outdoors.
Pastor Jeremy Byrd
Wife: Stefanie
Daughters: Anna & Isla
Son: Liam